Massilly Services can provide stainless steel seaming machines to seam your round cans from 52.5mm to 153mm in diameter. Our automatic medium speed seaming machines can seam up to 60 cans per minute with help in changing to quick format via touch screen operating mode.
Our equipment enables seaming of standard ends with or without easy opening, and also seaming Easy Peel style ends.
Our machines are designed to reduce cleaning time (Cleaning In Place - CIP - possible).
We offer a complete range of associated services to complement providing our seaming machines, to make life easier so you can focus on your job:
- seaming machines can be rented via our finance provider,
- audit and maintenance contract,
- sale of spare parts, recommendation and sale of tooling for all makes (mandrel, adjustment wheel),
- after sales service and Hotline provided by our technicians with remote repair possible via integrated modem (if machine fitted),
- seaming process training
- assessment and installation of Massilly Services processing line
As a manufacturer and distributor, we can also recommend and provide the most suitable cans for your products and processes.